Working Lives Series Catalog / Bottom Dog Press
Waiting at the Dead End Diner: Poems
by Rebecca Schumejda
A book of poems that reads like a novel.

"Order Up! Schumejda throws an apron at you & before you can even
get it tied she pulls you into the elaborate world of the Dead End
Diner. Through exquisite storytelling rich with magnificent metaphor
& razor-sharp insight you will work with & wait on a brilliant cast of
characters & like any job, you'll love some & hate some - you'll lose
some & win some."                     ~Amanda Oaks,

204 pgs.
The Free Farm: A Novel  by Larry Smith

"Forbidden love. Counter-culture. The shadow of Vietnam. Sexual
revolution. Social unrest. Marijuana and LSD. In this intriguing
coming-of-age novel by Larry Smith,
The Free Farm, we journey back
to America’s turbulent late 60s and early 70s…. Smith provides a
unique window into Lee’s young life that is driven by idealism, love of
Emerson and Thoreau, and devotion to his beautiful partner, who
practices Zen, meditates, and can fix cars….In this realistic yet often
surprising and tender novel, a quoted line from 'The Waking' by
Theodore Roethke serves as a guidepost: 'I wake to sleep, and take my
waking slow/ I feel my fate in what I cannot fear/ I learn by going where
I have to go.'"            ~ Laura Treacy Bentley, author of
Lake Effect
306 pgs. $17
Sinners of Sanction County: Stories
by  Charles Dodd Whit

"Sinners of Sanction County is one of the best story collections to come out
of the American South in recent times. Writing in a spare, poetic style
that fairly crackles with energy, Charles Dodd White makes his mark as a
major new talent as he masterfully explores the raw beauty and pathos of
life among tough people caught in bad situations. With this book, he has
nailed the coonskin to the wall."
~Donald Ray Pollock, author of
160 pgs. $16
Learning How: Stories, Tales & Yarns
by Richard Hague
22 Stories, Yarns, & Tales, rich in character, voice, and landscape.

"The fiction in this collection is as comforting as it is challenging, as
familiar as it is surprising, and, in all of the aspects that matter to the
serious reader of literature, it is thoroughly satisfying."
~Chris Holbrook, author of
206 pgs. $16
Degrees of Elevation: Short Stories of Contemporary Appalachia
Edited by Charles Dodd White & Page Seay
A wonderful and rich collection of some of our best fiction writers treating the
American landscape of Appalachia and its people.
Writers include: Rusty Barnes,  Sheldon Lee Compton, Jarrid Deaton, Richard
Hague, Silas House, Chris Holbrook, Denton Loving, Mindy Beth Miller, John
McManus, Jim Nichols, Valerie Nieman, Chris Offutt, Mark Powell, Ron
Rash, Alex Taylor, Crystal Wilkinson
"From manic to elegiac to rough, raw, beautiful, and heartbreaking,  these
stories will strike the reader as both absolutely true and as unforgettable, like
the high pure ring of an ax on a cold winter morning, vibrating across distance,
hanging in the air long afterward." -Lee Smith, author of
Saving Grace
186 pgs. $17
Eclipse: Stories by Jeanne Bryner

"These are powerful stories about the dignity, hope, wit, compassion, and
struggles of seemingly ordinary people in small town of Ohio, West
Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Jeanne Bryner moves beyond K-Mart class
stereotypes into deeper spaces, uncovering a complexity and variety of
working-class lives few acknowledge." ~Janet Zandy
150 pgs. $12
Story Hour & Other Stories by  Robert Flanagan
10 Stories by this Award Winning Author

"In Story Hour, Robert Flanagan tells masterfully rendered, hard-edged
tales of the tough lives of men and women struggling to get by on the edges
of America's heartland.  Not a word rings false in this unsparingly honest
collection.  These stories bring to mind those wonderful, spare Springsteen
songs about characters who make the wrong decisions and pay the price."
~Ronald K. Fried, author of Corner Men
104 pgs. $15
Blind Horse: Poems by Jeanne Bryner

"I hear the sweet drawl of country music lyric in Jeanne Bryner's
poems and the push and drive of a mountain fiddle too. Energetic
and clear-sighted, these poems are never afraid of their difficult
subjects....Jeanne Bryner is the real thing." ~Maggie Anderson
100 pgs. $8
Lake Effect: Poems by Laura Treacy Bentley

"Everywhere I look these days no poetry is being written. There is a lot of
pretend poetry, but nothing really this fine. With this book it makes it
very easy for me to say: Laura Bentley, I dub thee poet supreme.”       -
Ray Bradbury

Laura’s love of the people and landscapes of West Virginia, western
Maryland, and Ireland is evident in her work. From earth to sky, this
collection merges a lake effect of meditations that creates its own weather.
108 pgs. $14

Green-Silver and Silent: Poems
by Marc Harshman
*Poet Laureate of West Virginia

"Marc Harshman knows these people, these places, and he has the wisdom
of someone who knows when to be quiet, when to watch, and listen, so
that he can come to us and tell these heart-felt stories. These poems earn
their keep, weaving together the physical and spiritual worlds in a
landscape that can both sustain us and break our hearts."  -Jim Daniels,
author of Show and Tell: Selected Poems
90 pgs. $15
Writing Work
Writers on Working-Class Writing
Eds. David Shevin, Larry Smith, Janet Zandy

Featuring Bruce Springsteen Interview and articles by Bob Fox, Curt
Johnson, Helen Ruggieri, Scott Russell Sanders, Jean R.
Trounstine, Edwina Pendarvis, Larry Smith, Wayne Rapp, Heidi
Shayla and other

220 pgs. $15
No Pets: Stories
by Jim Ray Daniels

Jim Daniels' No Pets bring us sad, acutely observed people who
know in their bones that the American Dream does not apply to
them." -John Sayles
(Only a few left in stock....a working class classic)

134 pgs    $16
Working Hard for the Money
America's Working Poor in Stories, Poems, and Photos
Eds. Mary E. Weems & Larry Smit

30 writers and photographs help tell their story.
204 pgs
On The Clock: Contemporary Short Stories of Work

A collection of stories from our top writers which confronts and reveals
our working life today. Edited by Jeff Vande Zande and Josh Maday in
the Working Lives Fiction Series from Bottom Dog Press. Authors
include: Jim Daniels, Bonnie Jo Campbell, Daniel Orozco, Kennebrew
Surant, Rick Attig, Lolita Hernandez, Michael Martone, Matthew
Salesses, Matt Bell, M. Kaat Toy, Sean Lovelace, Billie Louise Jones,
Lita Kurth, Anne Shewring, Dustin Hoffman, Tania Hershman, Nick
Kocz, Michael Zadoorian, Steve Himmer, Pete Anderson, Pete
Fromm.                            188 pages

188 pages
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*** New in Our Working Lives and Appalachian Writing Series ***