Bottom Dog Press, Inc.
813 Seneca Ave.
Huron, OH 44839
ph: 4196021556
fax: 419-616-3966
alt: 419-602-1556
Who we are: Staff & Mission & Guidelines
We believe in a sense of place and person, in writing that reveals through its directness an essential human story. We also support the history and development of Working Class Literature and Appalachian Literature, and we work to provide outlets for that writing and information on that vital art.
We have headquarters in Huron, Ohio at POBox 425, Huron, Ohio 44839. Our email is
As a service to all who believe in literature that matters.
We provide the following links.
Guidelines for Submission
1) We are a book publisher; we do not accept individual poems, stories, or essays unless for a specific collection for which we have sent out a call (Exs. Working-class short stories, Family Poems for an announced anthology). Note: We do not do chapbooks; a minimum book needs to be at least 80 pages long.
2) We require that you submit an initial query first and that you do this via e-mail. We ask that you write out a succinct description of your book (including length), yourself (as writer), and an statement of the book's focus and potential audience. Tell briefly where are you from, what have you done as a writer, what your promotional plans are for this book? You may include a few poems, a sample essay, or one short story to introduce yourself and the book. *This is best done via a 2 paragraph e-mail to
3) As one of thousands of independent small presses, we have developed and achieved a certain character. It is suggested that you read some of our publications to sense this. In brief, we publish five series of books focusing on these themes (see series on right column).
4) If work is accepted we will expect the author to work with us on layout and help with promotion. We expect the final manuscript from the author on computer disk or file attachment in Word.
5) We publish about 6 books a year of literary and social worth.
6) We use print-on-demand technology to print our books, and they are published as any other books. We pay royalties on net sales on all of our books including the Kindle version which we will produce for Amazon.
We've published 215 books in our 35 years,
connecting good writing with its audience.
Our Staff
Larry Smith
Director* * * * *
Associate Editor/Designer
Susanna Sharp-Schwache
Directors of Shiping and Handling
Alex Smith
On our Board of Editors:
Those who have edited books for us:
Julia Watts, Jeff Vande Zande, Josh Maday, Charles Dodd White, Ray McNiece, Terry Hermsen, Mary E. Weems, Ingrid Swanberg, Ann Smith, Susanna Sharp-Schwacke, Kurt Landefeld, Allen Frost, Jilia Watts, Larry Smith...
Copyright 2009 Bottom Dog Press, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Bottom Dog Press, Inc.
813 Seneca Ave.
Huron, OH 44839
ph: 4196021556
fax: 419-616-3966
alt: 419-602-1556