Bottom Dog Press, Inc.
813 Seneca Ave.
Huron, OH 44839
ph: 4196021556
fax: 419-616-3966
alt: 419-602-1556
Here are some of our best selling books...
in our Harmony Series
Burley One Dark Sucker Fired/ Twist the Axe/d.a.levy & the mimeograph revolution/ Big Book of Daniel/ Come Together: Imagine Peace/ Awash with Roses/ Beautiful Rust/ Daily Bread/ Reply to an Eviction Notice
Reply to an Eviction Notice:
Selected Poems
Flanagan wins me with his rich humor and compassion, his keen ear and sharp eye, his technical skill, his ability to slam a poem shut with a crash, his way with simile and metaphor. Here is a rich, long overdue gathering of Flanagan’s finest and most insightful poems, the harvest of four decades. Open this book and you just might find it irresistible. – X. J. Kennedy
These intelligent, sharply focused poems recall a gritty past of rented apartments (“cramped endurances”), “cracked tar,” the fight game, and turf wars in scenes of working class urban America, 1950s. But this poet is also at ease with the natural world as he sinks his roots in the river beds of Ohio, dreaming “peace for his children,” flashing forward to insights of a life lived through…I greet this strong and moving book with admiration and joy. – Colette Inez
Robert Flanagan was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. A graduate of the University of Toledo and the University of Chicago, he taught at Ohio Wesleyan University where he directed the creative writing program. Flanagan has published the novel Maggot, three collections of short stories, five chapbooks of poetry, as well as essays and reviews.
One Dark Sucker Fired
Collected Early Poems
Maj Ragain
"I'm in awe of the truth and beauty and power of Maj Ragain's poetry here. If you have this book in hand, turn to "There Is No Will, only Need, 'Sleepless with Mussolini' and his wise comic masterpiece, 'Beating Back the Crocodile,' to name a few. If you have this book in hand, lucky you." ~Frank Polite
[Only a few copies left.]
Twist the Axe: A Horseplayer's Story:
Poems & Journal
Maj Ragain
"One way or another, Maj Ragain is going to touch you as you read his work. And you're going to like it. He may get you in the funny bone or you may find out for yourself that he sports the Tenderest Knockout Punch in the world. He also can wield a poleaxe; mainly he chooses to shuttle casually back and forth between what the Romans called gravitas and what Raymond Carver, in his last days, called gravy. It's a book about living life fully among others doing the same. The subject is the racetrack, but grace, in its many aspects, turns up in guise after guise. It's a book I bet you'll enjoy"-William Pitt Root.
The Big Book of Daniel
Collected Poems of
Daniel Thompson
Daniel had what Robert Frost called a lover's quarrel with the world, as well as with his country and his Comeback City, Cleveland. . . We hear the snap, crackle and pop of his wit playing against the weight of the world. . . .Some of his most memorable poems come out of the quarrel with himself, that dark honey, tinged with the metallic taste of loss, the old wars of the heart. . . .Daniel Thompson was a man who, as Whitman said of himself, was 'not contained between his hat and his boots'.... Daniel's last gift to us, his life's work, what he gathered in his sixty-nine years, over three hundred pages of poems, is this book, this big jug of honey, which you have in your hands. Taste and see. From the "Foreword" by Maj Ragain
Also available in hard
or at Mac's Backs Books in Coventry.
the mimeograph revolution
Chronology of his life and work, Biographical essays, Photographs, Interviews, Profiles, Statements, Letters, Art Work, Collage, Poems and Critical appreciations of his writing and art levy's “Cleveland Prints” Eight pages in full color.
Contributors: Ed Sanders, T.L. Kryss, rjs, Karl Young, Allen Frost, Joel Lipman, Kent Taylor, Mark Kuhar, Ingrid Swanberg, Larry Smith, Russell Salamon, John Jacob, Doug Manson, Michael Basinski, Jim Lang, and others.Book includes 2006 dvd of Kon Petrochuk’s film if i scratch, if i write"The d.a.levy book is a marvel. You were able to bring together so much of his work plus all that material about him. It is a great collection." -Dean H. Keler1-933964-07-3 276 pages $30Only a few left in stock.
Contemporaries: Abinader, Ali, Bass, Berry, Bauer, Berrigan, Bly, Bodhrán, Bradley, Brazaitis, Bright, Bryner, Budbill, Cervine, Charara, Cording, Cone, Crooker, Daniels, di Prima, Davis, Dougherty, Ellis, Espada, Estes, Ferlinghetti, Forché, Frost, Gibson, Gundy, Gilberg, Habra, Hague, Hamill, Harter, Hassler, Haven, Heyen, Hirshfield, Hughes, Joudah, Jensen, Karmin, Kendig, Komunyakaa, Kovacik, Kryss, Krysl, LaFemina, Landis, Leslie,Lifshin, Loden, Lovin, Lucas, McCallum, McGuane, Machan, McQuaid, Meek, Metres,Miltner, Montgomery, Norman, Nye, Pankey, Pendarvis, Pinsky, Porterfield, Prevost, Ragain, Rashid, Rich, Roffman, Rosen, Ross, Rusk, Salinger, Sanders, Seltzer, Schneider, Shabtai, Shannon, Sheffield, Shipley, Shomer, Silano, Sklar, Smith, Snyder, Spahr, Sydlik, Szymborska, Trommer, Twichell, Volkmer, Waters, Weems, Wilson, Zale
Introduction by Philip Metres
"It's useful, inspiring, and, in times like these, healing for pacifists and antiwar activists to have collected in one volume the poems that are included here. We need them."
-Judith Mahoney Pasternak, WIN Magazine
Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award
Awash with Roses: Collected Love Poems of Kenneth Patchen with biographical introduction.
Revised re-issue of this classic collection of Kenneth Patchen's love poems along with the story of the life of Kenneth and Miriam Patchen told by biographer, Larry Smith
100 love poems by this American poet rebel romantic.
Kenneth Patchen is the author of 38 books of poetry, fiction, and art as well as one of the finest performers of poetry-jazz. This book is a thing of beauty.
"The reissue of his love poems testifies to his talents and perhaps meets the current need to cherish the beauty of life, love, and mankind. . . . Today, with political and economic unrest, with individual expression suppressed in many parts of the world, humankind yearns for a soothing of souls." from New York Journal Book Review
Click for full Review of Re-Issue in New York Journal Book ReviewBeautiful Rust
Ken Meisel
Ken Meisel’s got the beat in his hit parade of Motown poems.I love his long lines and smoky fires, the effect gravity has on the living and the dead. His Purgatorio includes Marvin Gaye, an echo of better times painted onto a billboard overlooking the freeway and Dubois Street. Meisel is interested in the music of “grassy fields and abandoned places...wild pheasants and drunks.” He is our modern Virgil taking us through the Rinaldo Arms Manor. Read him and be saved. —Russell Thorburn, author of The Drunken Piano
96 pages 978-1-933964-32-4 $15.00
T.L. Kryss is an outsider's outsider and as sweet a poet as I've ever encountered. He was part of the Cleveland poetry scene in the Sixties that had d.a. levy as its catalyst and got hammered hard by the police. What Tom Kryss does, more than any poet I know, is strip away excess and cut to the bone. He staked out a modest turf and then hunkered down and stayed there. So that what he writes is unencumbered and fraught with the particular, which is the unique, which is the only way to get a handle on the universal. What he writes always gives you something and never takes anything away. -John Bennett
Books for all times.
Copyright 2009 Bottom Dog Press, Inc.. All rights reserved.
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Bottom Dog Press, Inc.
813 Seneca Ave.
Huron, OH 44839
ph: 4196021556
fax: 419-616-3966
alt: 419-602-1556